
The art of the kiss

After a good long tongue locking session this weekend, my thoughts turned to kissing as a whole:

So here are a little facts regarding locking lips:

So much work:

The scientific name for kissing is philematology

The first movie kiss was in 1896 in the move "The Kiss" starring John C Rice and May Irwin

Kissers exchange saliva which helps the immune system, boosting antibodies and preventing tooth decay

The average American woman will kiss 80 men in her lifetime

Lip sensitiveity is 200% greater then fingers

90 seconds of kissing jolts the heart rate, eqiuvelent to a short jog

Kissing increases endorphines 200 times more powerful then morphine. Remember that next time you are in the hospital

The human tongue has about 10,000 taste buds, but there are only 8,000 in the clitoris and a little less in the penis. When you think of it in numbers the kiss is more intimate, the place where we taste, where we get ultimate satisfaction is the mouth.

Did you know you use up to 36 muscles to kiss? That's a lot of work, yet after a good one, you can feel completely relaxed.

You burn 26 calories in one minute of kissing:) Thats 3 hershey kisses!

There are three different types of kisses distinguished by Romans:

osculum, a friendship kiss on the cheek

basium, a kiss of affection on the lips

suavium (also known as savium), a lovers' deep kiss.

With 5 different taste bud sections:


The tongue reminds me of a complex relationship.

Sweet and savory at times and can easily turn sour or salty at any moment.

Eyes wide shut
Literally 80% of kissers kiss with their eyes closed
The funny thing about kissing is that you do it with your eyes closed. It's like with the senses, when one is taken away, the others are heightened.
Even though most of us only do it because no one looks good that close up lol.

Think about it like this, no one has time for a daily romp...or do you? But if you could give a full tongue tingling, spine numbing kiss to the one you care about every morning (after brushing your teeth of course) you would probably have a damn good day. If your a man you can live up to 5 years longer.

The history of kissing
What surpises me the most is that sex has been around since the begining of time, but kissing not so much. The Egyptians, Japanese and Inuits kissed with nose not the mouth. The only kissing was man to man women to woman, pauper to king and then in English cultures the womans hand.

Why so serious?
What this reminds me of is high school, or better yet elementary school. Remember back in the day

when it was fun to have a make-out session? When first base was as far as you got. When hooking up literally meant making out? What happened that left us so unsatisfied? Was it the test of time? Are we starting out too early?

Statistics show that men love women with red lips, or flushed lips commonly found on kissing lips.
Like fingertips no two lip impressions are the same

Bad breath
Nothing can turn a kiss sour faster then well... sour breath. What is the deal? You know the facts no one wants to taste anything funky when trying to do something sweet. Get where I am going?
I guess that has a lot to do with why in history, kissing was not all that commen for a while.

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."- Ingrid Bergman


No Sex-n-this City?

Again I know I have neglected you dear blog, I apologize but these days I am swamped and scheduling everything from exercise to sex. Like seriously, I scheduled my weekly romp with the Brit, and alas we both had to cancel because we were too tired... when did I become too tired for sex.

Well to start my life from where I left off yeah the Brit is still in the picture, and the word is he will be leaving the U S of A in about a month, I am not-so-sad about him leaving, I am actually ready for him to go I am over him and I get the thinking that I will be alone forever. The other day one of my friends confirmed my "fear"

"Yeah I just don't see you ever married, successful yes, married, no."

Is that what happens you get successful, you can only focus on one thing at a time? Is it my personality? Am I not the marrying kind? This of course got me thinking about Sex & the City, which I saw in theatre's and lets just say was AMAZING. Forgiveness and friendship and knowing the right person for you and growing in your relationships, both friend and intimate.

It also got me thinking that yeah the brit is leaving soon and who will be my next victim... my friends are literally not having sex in this city, in a very short while I will not be having sex in this city... so who is?

We all move to New York to fullfull our dream or find what we are looking for, why else would we pay for these shitty apartments? So why does it seem like no one is even in a relationship anymore... why do New York men seem to distant, so much so that I have better chances with people who are not even from here? Why am I searching for something that should be knocking down my door, and why is it so freaking hard to find?

I think about it, maybe we need to find those men who moved here to fullfill there dreams as well...

I talked to my friend Crystal the other day about relationships and in conversation I realized a couple of things,

1 I get over people fast, and I think in reevaluating myself that is because I know they are not the one for me, and I just need to find the one that is

2. I have not been inpressed with anyone in such a long time, will it ever happen

3. Fear is the doorway to success I need to realize what mine are and defeat them
4. Women with insecurities are screwed (had to throw that one in for good measure)

I need to think about all of this, and get back to you dear blog lol


Happy Anniversary

Well it has been more then a year since I started this thing, and after reviewing my life, I think that I have learned a lot. I have made some mistakes numerous times, and I am making new ones all the time. The difference is I am learning from them, and opening myself up to new experiences.

Detroit has come and gone so many times that my head should spin, instead I have erased all of his information and him out of my life... forreal this time
I have tried to realize why i keep putting myself back into the situation with him, and what brings the draw,
  • One thought is closure, I never fully get it and I just had to realize that I never will, instead of looking for an explanation from him on why he is the way he is and why we can't be together, I need to look inside myself to see why in the hell I think we should and explain to MYSELF why we will never be
  • Wanting to be there for someone and fix something, I AM NOT a repair woman, I mean it takes a month for me to change a freaking light bulb, I don't know why I pretended to want to fix someone else. somethings are not even able to go to the repair shop, they should just be thrown away
  • Why want to be with someone that you have to prove your worthiness too? I am better then him, and I always have been we both know that. So why would I waste my time trying to be there for a person who does not want someone there, or who wants someone there occasionally. I know and understand true feelings and the person I want to be with will know and understand his as well

I am now dating "the Brit" and I love how affectionate he is. What I am learning from him is to sit back and relax, no reason to be obsessive, no reason to do any of that, pushing someone away because I like them happens to me because I like them and I don't want to deal with those emotions, which may sound immature, but is very very honest.

From "the Brit" I have realized how insecure I can feel if my relationship is not defined, I need a conversation or something to say, this is what we are doing, this is where it may lead, I guess I have been in so many situations where I thought we were on our way some where but we ended up right back where we started...no where. I have to learn to go with the flow and follow my instincts, and honestly just be myself.

From the Slav, I have learned if I cannot be attracted to you sober, I should just leave it alone, becoming incredibly annoyed with someone is my curse, and I just act rude.

Also learned that no matter how good a kisser is that does not mean they have a fabulous you know what... I promise you it was not great

I learned from lets call him... "the hippy"

That I dont care how interesting someone is, I should not sleep with them, nor should i date them, not matter how many houses that have in the mountains.

Don't make out with boys with no chin, nor anyone else I am not attracted to

I am meeting a lot of people and this year I think one of the best things I have learned is the kind of guy I am really looking for


Tall- I know, but I realize I like the feeling of falling into someone

Someone affectionate

I creative job, I like the idea

Someone of course who is funny and sweet

SO we will see what we get, and of course I will do my best to write it here.


If love is...

A good feeling, warm and bubbly,
sitting on the couch watching anything or nothing at all and feeling like it should never end
walking down the street and not noticing any other person
long kisses
gentle nudges
missing someone's voice
remembering someone's smell
being comfortable when they are away because you know they are coming back
knowing the different tones in their voices
being yourself
being yourself but better
making love at all hours of the day-night, real love, deep, understanding passionate unselfish love
wanting to always be alone just because you cannot get enough of each other
wanting to be with friends because you wanna share what you have with others
accepting flaws
facing fears
laughing at jokes
crying at sadness
crying out of happiness
being excited to hear from them, not even a whole hour later
not forgetting your first kiss
hoping there will not be a last kiss
thinking forever is not long enough
saying your sorry not only because you mean it, but because you are sorry for ever causing the person any kind of pain or anguish
not understanding why people would even fathom cheating
a hint of jealousy
not having to worry
kissing in the middle of the street on a hot summer night, with the breeze against your skin, their fingers in your hair and the other hand holding you oh so close
making love in Manhattan with the noise of sirens, people, honking cars, crying babies, crazy homeless men arguing, street vendors, construction and children and not letting any of it distract you because what is happening in the moment is too good to care

then it is amazing
should be cherished
and we should all be able to experience it, have it, and never go without...
here's to finding it....

Dating Karma

I was thinking about the universe today, about how it gives and takes. I was thinking about without any notice terrible things can happen to you one after another and you can't see your way out of the desert. I was thinking about how while you are in it, from time to time an oasis appears, you... for a second... think you are out of this dryness and the universe is just throwing another blast at you. "Miss" Universe can be mean, she can be unforgiving, rotten and at the same time completely miss understood.

Through those desert periods, when you are parched for change, for something new to happen and on the brink of starvation right then and there, you make it out. I guess the universe is wiser then we sometime can imagine, even in the oasis she is giving you a glimpse of how good she can be, and when she decides to give back, when she lets go and gives you hope again, it is so sweet you can hardly remember the dark. But word to the wise never forget, because that darkness was a lesson, and life lessons must be utilized or alas you will be back to where you started. Which also gets me thinking about those oasis again. Maybe they were the real thing, but we spend so much time enjoying something better we forget something worse, and those oasis were our way out of darkness if we had only appreciated, understood and respected them.

On that note, as you all can see from many previous posts, I believe I am out of my desert time, I have learned a lot, in life and love, and I will be damned if I forget it, or if I go back.

It is so obvious how much 'energy' we release and we pull in, and when you begin on a path of hope and have a goal in mind whatever that may be your personal universe starts pouring out for you to receive any and everything that comes your way. I feel my cup getting fuller by the minute and I know I am not the only one, many people are experiencing positive change... lets keep up the good work...


His name begins with the letter H

hello chaps, we need to get into the weekend, what I did and didn't do, and where I am...

Friday night I was supposed to meet with an old actor acquaintance, but both the rain and my old roomie kept that from happening.

Lets hit Saturday,
all of a sudden out of no where the universe has given me men, and unfortunately at the moment, because of the overwhelming responses I double booked myself.

The Slav and the teacher from the Bronx where both pining over my Saturday attention, and I chose the teacher, one we went out during the week and hit off great (and I did not kiss him yet) and two he got tickets to a show, and got an A for effort. The Slav showed a lot of disappointment's but hey separation makes the heart go fonder right?

To make a great night short we went to a symphony, an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn a bar on the upper west side and his place. NO real funny business, making out nothing serious, but we had an amazing time, and instead of the normal walk of shame, we spent the morning talking about his favorite books (two I borrowed) and we went and got brunch.

Before you know we got into the "relationship motion" eating off of each others plates, picking eye lashes out of one another's eyes, it was so fast, so comfortable, so... something. I wonder if we are just going at an odd pace, or if I have been on so many first and second dates that I can't even remember how to get into a relationship anymore. It felt intrusive (not in a bad way) in a boyfriend way and I wonder if I am ready, or should I be ready or if it is too soon.

I like the nervousness of the first interaction, this seems too nice, too comfortable. I wonder if we will have a fast easily fizzled out relationships. The relationship that starts off hot and heavy and eventually fades into nothing and we go our separate ways. Should I slow it down or ride the wave? Is it inevitable that we will not last long? Isn't that the fun in it? We shall see, because he asked me to join him to his family's home upstate for a relaxed weekend and I said yes, if I am going to be spontaneous I am going to take it all the way folks!

I am most nervous about the drive there, two hours in the car with any one is torture, with someone you hardly know is probably a lot of silence. I am curious about how are weekend will go and I hate to admit it but I am also excited. Maybe this is someone who see's this as something he really wants to pursue, or maybe he is an ax murderer who knows.

So if you don't hear from me all week, its because after kicking his ass, and stealing his car and running him over, I am lost on my way back to the big city.


The weekend guide...

So after my lovely date on Friday, I decided to hang out with the girls on Saturday, before returning to the dating world on Sunday.

We head to Dive Bar, after an awkward visit to a romantic Jazz Club on the Upper West side that was just to cozy for a night with the girls.

Old Roomie has a new love interest and it is refreshing, to see someone else in the picture, as well as to see the dating world goes in full swing. Like a drought a dry spell can come in for a while and just win you get used to it,if you can ever really get used to a drought, the rain comes again, and you can hardly remember how bad the drought was.

I ended up talking to a teacher, he was kind of cute, seemed nice, liked to snow board, he got my number, update on that one if he actually calls...

Sunday comes around and I finally decide to go on a date that I have been putting off for three weeks and two days. Now this date, because of the amount of time I put it off, is either going to be a disaster (my six sense kicking in) or so amazing i will wonder why I waited.

Well lets just put it like this, he was a Canadian French guy, I like neither at this point, the only thing that seemed to get along with this Canadian was body odor and awkwardness! He was just fucking odd, and sometimes you can automatically tell why someone is single, it is because no normal person wants to date him, so after suffering for two hours with a person with so much shit in his pockets I questioned if he were a terrorist or not, i sent him back to were he came from, Connecticut. I don't like Connecticut any more either, nor do I care for Grand Central Station after that one.

Update: I got a call from Slav today :) Just saying he wants to see me again, also got an email on Monday asking how my day went...

Oh yeah... i also hate the word eh, because it must be required in the Canadian language, what train-eh? How's it goin-eh... just fucking weird...


I have taken a lover...

As in the very famous show Sex and the City, I, like Carrie when embarked within a world wind relationship with the "Russian" aka Alexandre Patrovsky have taken a "lover"

Friday night I had my date with the Slav and after spending the whole day dreading going out with said 40 something we ended up having some kind of time...

Things started off awkward of course, we made lite conversation a laugh here and there, and then something happened and we started finding out a thing or two about one another. He found out about my job, my goals and living on the Upper East side with an annoying ass roommate.
I found out about him being exiled from his country.

Oh the people we meet in New York City...

After making sure I could not miss a beat when he told his side of the story, I realized, that like me, he was just a passionate person, he stood up for what he believed in, he had drive. All of those times, I've watched documentaries on TV about people standing up against forces, and after everything, being threatened, and the government plotting against them, they continue to fight. I always thought if I were in the same situation, without hesitating I would fight. After listening to him, you realize how much you actually gain and how much you loose, and honestly I still believe I would take such a chance.

Back to the date.. we were at a cozy wine seller near Bryant Park, sitting closely, face to face, talking, flirting, laughing, we kissed, we canoodled, we were like lovers, honestly, it was sexy and sensual at the same time, and it was at that moment that no one else in the room matters.

btw: This is usually acquired after more then your fair share of drinks...

We leave the lounge and head to get food, just walking until we find a place, we feed each other, laugh in our semi-drunken stooper and take in the date. We kiss across the table, we leave. We hold hands while he walks me to my train, we stop and kiss occasionally. Right then ladies and gentleman, is when I got a glimpse of that famous show and while we were holding hands, and he was keeping mine warm, he just reminded me of the "Russian" and it became irresistible.

Every now and then a girl has got to live out her fantasy, and right now I guess I am Carrie, this is obviously not for forever, but it can last as long as it would like.

is 40 the new 20?

After a great email and a couple of dates, I have been inspired and have a hell-of-a lot to tell.

Lets start with Brooklyn,
Okay so we know abut how the last date went...meal bathroom, meal bathroom. To test my theory I decide we go some where un-food related first, and then grab a bite. I need to time his bathroom trips.
We start our trip at the Brooklyn Aquarium (my idea) he is late again, I am annoyed and it is cold! He gets there and I am like lets just get this over with. It is sad when I am dreading a date but I am thinking about it the guy is boring, he is like watching paint dry, forget that he is bulimic for a while, he is also very uninteresting.

But anywhoo, first bathroom trip 10 minutes. I have not seen him eat yet, we were viewing the sharks, and he claimed he had to go. I am already suspicious...

We head to a Thai restaurant and just liked last time he orders the whole menu, after stuffing myself there is still enough food left to feed another person and he decides, of course after another "bathroom" trip, to finish off the meal. I suffer through another hour of him talking about is high-def television I suffer through him analyzing every taste of every piece of food he has stuffed in his mouth, and I suffer when he starts to let me know just how poor he really is, I even suffer when the wait staff in this wonderful restaurant are looking at me funny because they can hear him in the bathroom and I can't but I refuse to suffer by stuffing myself while someone else is "releasing" himself. This will be my last date with Brooklyn, I have decided.
He is the three B's

I run to meet old roommate when I leave my crappy ass date to find out about her wonderful one, and I decide, that I am too assertive that I am going to ask Mr Bulimia if he is actually making himself barf!
SO I send a text:
"Hey I had a good time, I have to ask you something I hope you are not offended but when I was in college I used to make myself throw up after every meal... are you okay?"

Okay first of all, I keep all of my meals down, these hips and thighs don't lie, but I had to say something to get him to confess.

He claims via text that he has to use the bathroom a lot and he pees twice bullshit I am not believing him and I decide to let him lie and throw up as much as he would like, I am not going to worry about it, I am moving on...

So the next day UES
I have been hanging out with him a lot, after making out way to much in a bar on the Upper East side and meeting at my house to "watch movies" he has left town for the weekend and I am looking for someone to fill the gap,hopefully someone younger. Something about UES is a little off, I am just waiting to find out what that "thing" is. Time will tell...

The "Slav"
I am hanging out with the new coworkers at a great bar downtown. At the last minute I found out about a great after work event sponsored by Grand Marnier.

The event was fun, while hanging with the girls, some man sits down and starts talking to me, after much witty conversation i find out he is from Yugoslavia, and he makes me laugh, he seems old so I give him my work email. So he leaves and it may have been the alcohol but when he says goodbye, he looks sexy as hell, so I wait for that email....

Lets talk about what happens when the "Slav" Leaves, I get waisted...not normal waisted but can't stand up straight waisted!
I get on the train by myself after way too much Gran Marnier (6 shots and around 4 cocktails) I waddle to the NRW and after holding myself up on the train I have to transfer to the 6. I at this point am sure I am going to die, I honestly thought about hurling myself in front of the train because I could not fathom actually making it home in one piece. I am dying of drunkenness.
it is only around 8:30pm so everyone is looking at me like I am nuts

So the 6 FINALLY comes and I sit down on the train ... bad idea... standing would have saved me...
One good bleh (gag) and some wonderful woman hands me a plastic bag.. I barf in it on the 6 train, I am too drunk to be embarrassed. I make it home and I think I am going to survive.
I barf again...
I sit on the toilet to ... use the bathroom.. and I fall asleep or as some experts would say I passed out.
Cut to: me in bed, I am very comfortable the covers are warm, I am having a great dream I roll over, I hit my head...

Oh wait I am still on the toilet, I have literally rolled off the toilet onto the floor hitting my head on the bathroom wall. I wake up and for like one minute I have not idea where I am! That's is probably because I am looking at the bathroom upside down. I get up go in my room, place the lovely plastic bag and a towel next to my bed and I barf my way to sleep such a classy girl I am!

I still make it to work early the next day!
Moral of my dating story the older seems to be better, Brooklyn was only 33 the other normal gents were nearly 40!


Is it me? Or am I paranoid

I know, for a while I have been MIA, but hey I told you I would be dating and I have, after walk-o-shames, and meeting up with suspecious characters I may be back into the swing of things... or I may need to give up dating for a while because men in New York suck!

Lets start off with yesterday, chillin with the old roomie, I come to realize everyone here needs to compromise, that I guess is what love is, I may no longer be able to get my rocker/ model boy, I may just have to get a nice guy, and I understand this so I have been putting myself out there and I am trying to stop being so damn picky and just date a nice guy.

So last night, I end up with Brooklyn at a cozy restaurant in Greenwich Village known for there wine, warm fire place and romantic setting. It was great, a lil awkward at first, you know first-date jitters but it turned out well. While on the date it seemed fine, but then I noticed a pattern (when I went home to obsess of course that is just, a lil off) Okay so we have dinner, we each only have one glass of wine, we had two great gormeat pizza's (one with gorgonzola and walnuts the other with goat and pesto very good) we also had a plate of carpaccio and that was our meal I was very satisfied. After my date paid the bill he excused himself the bathroom, came back about 8 minutes later (I thought he took a while but I new that it was only one stall so maybe there was a line) He comes back and suggest we go walk around the neighborhood and get dessert. Sounds good to me!

We pass a couple of places, talk window shop in soho, have an amazing time. The date is going great. We decide on cupcakes (my request of course) and after he orders a cupcake, two desserts and tarimisu gelato he excuses himself to the bathroom again. This time he takes another 8 minutes, maybe he is fixing his hair... maybe... I don't know I guess he had to pee, I can understand that, I also guess the one glass of wine went right through him. Whatever. We go outside and sit on a bench talk and he literally starts feeding me gelato, it was amazing, sexy and very seductive I admit it, he took a bite, he fed me one. It was great, all of a sudden he is shoveling gelato in my mouth faster then I can finish the bit before. The whole time he is still feeding himself, I nearly choke on the stuff when thank god it starts to rain so I can breath and swallow. I suggest star bucks, after running there and noticing it is closing he suggest more ice cream, mind you we have not even eaten our cupcakes yet. But I oblige, he orders this HUGE large size yogurt with chocolate, almonds and rasberries, I will say again WE HAVE NOT EATEN THE CUPCAKE OR TWO DESSERTS! I am full, to the brim, literally me who loves sweets cannot fit another bite in, so after I force a cupcake bite in my mouth a baby scoop of yogurt and try my best to keep it all in he tell me he works out 2 and a half hours a day, 5 days a week. I think wow that is intence but whatever right, he then excuses himself to the bathroom AGAIN. His pupils are not dialated, he looks normal is he doing drugs? NO! What the hell is wrong with him. When I get home I start thinking how often the average person goes to the bathroom one every couple of hours, I don't know why I am so weirded out, maybe he pees a lot but doesnt it always seem like it is always something!

I will get back to that later....

The other guy, we will call him UES. Great guy, very sweet plans with him tonight, been to a couple of places. Seems great a little too old, but hey age is an illusion right. Well today he suggest we watch a movie, that usually means in date world, lets sit at his house and watch a movie. Well he suggest mine and I realize he has been to mine I know he has a roommate but my place is not the movie place, what do I find out, he is living with his "ex" I am only still planing to hang with him because I wanna know how much he is really lying details later....

Men in New York are fucking weird.


Got 30 days, got a date...

Okay so I am at home and def putting off working out when I come across these web sites that talk about finding a date... something I def need to do!
Myreah Moore is claiming she can get me a date in 30 days, and since I cannot even remember when I had a last good first date what is 30 more days right? So first step is to take the quiz about the kind of guy I am looking for... here goes nothin....

You scored 60%
The Fun-Loving Fellow
Party on! Whether at a gathering with friends or in line at a movie, you pick out the most personable guy of the group, and it's easy to see why: You enjoy a good time and a good laugh and need someone who can appreciate these as much as you do. A man like this is great to have in your life because he can hold his own in any situation, and with anybody. The one downside is that he is not necessarily discerning. He may as easily chat up your three-year-old niece as his beautiful next-door neighbor. But don't let his flirting be his fatal flaw; instead, remember it's what drew you to him in the first place. But do keep in mind that his "playfulness" may make it tough for him to settle down.

I am not surprised by the results, 30% said i wanted a sensitive man and 10% of me wanted a cocky man... The second step is to open myself up and list my wants and needs.
"Take one minute", says Moore. "Take 5 minutes and write down all the wants that you are looking for in a guy, then take 5 minutes and write down all the needs, as in someting you cannot compromise. Narrow down the list to the top 10."
This is something that may prove just as shallow I am but hey this is the new year, I am going to write my list and post it... let er rip...

Instead of putting down all the crap that I wrote here are the top ten, okay i must be honest, the list was very long, but is should be right? I am a catch!

These all came from the need list... wow what does that say about me...
Loves to learn new things
Laid Back
A little nerdy _this came from wants

So the site says visualize the list and see use it when a guy comes into your life not a bad idea right?
Then I am supposed to look at my list and all the qualities I want in another should be reflected within myself, wow I think so.
Moore says, "Until you become the person you are looking for, you cannot attract the person you want." Deep, and very very true I think.
Looking at my list, I am not surprised by my answers at all I think most of them, even the ones I did not list are what I imagine is within myself

read this from her article...

"Now is the time to let go of any past demons. Women who are ashamed of their past, for whatever reason, often select men who are inappropriate, unavailable, or unwilling to commit. Others get stuck in a pit of self-pity by obsessing over past relationships gone wrong. Have a rebirthing day: Sit and write down everything you're ashamed of, your failures, people you have hurt and so on. Give yourself more than one day to do this. When you're done, have a ceremony and, in a safe place (your fireplace or outside), burn your list along with some fresh sage, which has cleansing properties. This ritual comes from my Cherokee Indian background. Once you burn your list, that life is over. You are starting clean. You must stop looking at your past and, instead, look at your life and your future with a positive attitude."

I am pretty sure I have no problems in that department, so the next question is why do i want a new relationship?
To have someone special to enjoy life with on a more intimate level.

Next is to open myself up, I am supposed to talk to at least one person a day, just saying hello, easier said then done when you live in new york, but whatever, I can do that. I should build up to small talk with people, now that will be hard.

I have to start flirting with men again, this does make me feel fabulous and dorky at the exact same time! After I get through these first 5 steps I can lead into actual dates, so I am going to try this for a week and come back to the rest.
ps. I was thinking maybe starting a single woman group, some people who are looking for people too maybe we can go through this stuff together and come back together to talk about our experiences I am looking for a good fun group of women who are looking to put themselves out there, for some fun old fashioned dates!

Back On Track ...

Look at the article I just found, this should help...

1. Be realistic. "If you look like Roseanne, don't fixate on finding a Tom Cruise look-alike," says Brooks. "I also tell women who seem to be on a money hunt -- that is, looking exclusively for men with big bucks -- they'll have to change their attitude if their goal is a long-term relationship. Men can sense right away if you're out for their wallet, not their personality." In the long run, the most priceless attributes you should want in a mate are not looks and/or money but a loving heart, dependable nature and commitment to you.

2. Be a hot mama, not a prospective mama. "Men have a radar for detecting women who are baby hungry," warns Christie Kelleher, director of the New York office of Kelleher & Associates, an upscale matchmaking service for successful professionals. Kelleher, whose service has brought together about 6,000 marriages in 19 years, adds, "He's thinking, 'Whoa -- I don't even know your middle name, and I already know the colors you want to paint your kid's nursery.'" Your best bet: no baby talk!

3. Make dating a priority. Janis Spindel, the self-described "cupid in a Chanel suit" and president of the New York-based Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking service, suggests that clients approach finding the right man as they would a job hunt. The key is to always be prepared because you never know when or where you'll meet someone. Wear clothes that make you feel attractive and plan ahead for interesting conversation. "You also need to change your routine," adds Spindel, who in the last 10 years has brought together more than 300 marriages and 400 monogamous couples. "Don't get your newspaper delivered. You might meet someone at the newsstand."

4. Nix the ex talk. On the first few dates, Brooks advises her clients to ex-cise the desire to tell the new man all about the previous boyfriend. If your ex was fabulous, your date will feel he can't measure up. But if you bash your ex too much, your date could think, Whoops -- she might be talking about me that way in a few months! Similarly, you should be wary of a man who can't stop talking about his former paramour. If he's still hung up on her, his heart has no room for you.

5. Neurotics needn't apply. You both need to be emotionally healthy to forge a successful relationship, says Neil Clark Warren, Ph.D., who founded a cyber matchmaking service called eHarmony.com in 2000. For instance, it's not a good sign if you're in the relationship primarily because you're frightened of being alone. It's equally bad if your guy looks as longingly at the gin bottle as he does at you. Or if he's morbidly depressed. Don't fall into the codependent trap and think you can "heal" him. It's smarter to look for a man who doesn't need healing.

6. Mind your manners. Men are understandably appalled when their bright, attractive, funny date suddenly does something tacky like ripping a piece of bread in half and putting the other half back in the bread basket or applying lipstick at the table. "Men also find it gauche when the woman calls for the check," says Brooks. "The man wants to do the summoning of the waiter and the paying of the bill." Spindel also warns against a few more etiquette faux pas: "Be on time, shut off your cell phone, look him in the eye, not down at the floor. Don't ask him too many questions about his job. He'll think you're a gold digger." You don't need to be Emily Post, but if you display the sensitivity of a lamppost, don't be surprised if the first date is the last one.

7. Similarity breeds success. "This doesn't mean you've got to marry your clone. But when you're getting to know someone, ask yourself if you and he have the same core values," says Warren, also the author of Date...or Soul Mate? How to Know If Someone Is Worth Pursuing in Two Dates or Less. "Think money, intelligence, lifestyle and sense of humor," he says. And think really hard if your major life goals mix well. Both of you need to agree on the merits or disadvantages of marriage, making babies and whether to aspire to living in a tree house or a penthouse. These are things that you can start finding out in as little as a date or two.

8. Present a challenge. "Let the guy know you like him, but don't take his initial interest as a signal to latch on to him right away," Kelleher suggests. She points out that "three dates do not a relationship make." We're not talking The Rules here -- don't hesitate to return his call in a timely fashion. But don't build your social life around him (for example, keep your Friday night theater subscription with your friend Beth) and don't press him to talk about his "feelings." Do make it clear that while he's a welcome addition to your life, he is not the whole enchilada. This is all subject to change after you have been dating awhile and the relationship has become more serious.

9. Don't be a babbling brook. Sure, you've got a host of charming stories, but save some for the second date. "Men really want to occasionally get a word in edgewise," says Brooks. Women should pace themselves and think of about two to three great stories to tell on their date. But don't go overboard talking about yourself!

10. Sunny side up. "My male clients bemoan the lack of warmth that women project," says Kelleher. "Guys say many women clearly don't want their date to give them a hug or open the door." Lower your guard, flex those lips into a smile and be nice.

11. Be a girl. Leave your professional persona at the office. "My male clients also complain that women often come across as masculine -- dressing in stiff suits and debating their date on everything from what wine to order to world affairs to who gets the check," says Kelleher. (Let him.) In other words: It's a date, not a boxing match.

12. Look beyond his good looks. Don't be dazzled by a handsome face and buff bod. Is this guy worthy of winning your heart? "How good is he at relationships? How does he treat his mother? How does he get along with siblings, cousins and friends?" asks Brooks. If the answer to those questions is not too well, take heed. Once he is confident of your affections, he might revert to type and treat you like everyone else he "cares" about.

13. Be mindful of that ole black magic. At first glance you felt more of an urge to hold his hand than jump his bones? That's not a terrible sign: Physical attraction can deepen as you really get to know and trust each other. But there must be an ember of initial attraction to build from. Without any chemistry, Warren says, you're better off as friends.

14. Hold out before having sex. Spindel is adamant that you should forego sex at least for a little while. The matchmaker feels that until your guy is ready to commit at least part of his soul, you're better off not committing your entire body. Her rationale: "Ideally you should wait until you've had the discussion about not seeing other people. That way you're sure he's operating more out of love than lust."

15. Go with the flow. The real key to making it as a couple, says Warren, is that both people are willing to compromise. If one or both partners must always have their way and are threatened by even small changes, trouble will soon be brewing. For example, if he suddenly has to work late on a night you were hoping to cook him dinner, be understanding of his need to be flexible and have him come over for coffee instead of the main course. Of course, he should be really sorry for the change in plans and should want to make it up to you.
I found this article on Ivillage


workout plan!!

Something I must commit to!!!!

If I can do bikram yoga on thursday adn friday and spinning on Saturday I can reach my goal weight and be incredibly fit and healthy for 2008, lets just hope I can keep up with it!!!!!


Lifes accomplishments

When you enter the new years, a couple of things happen, you make a host of unachievable goals, you start over and you begin Jan1 strong, energetic and ready to kick it all into gear.
When it comes to New Years, you literally turn your ticker back to 1.
A couple of things in my life have to change, I am realizing (and not really understanding) my goals and how over time they keep shifting and changing, and what was important the year before and many years before that was no longer important. I understand that I am only 23, and over time my life will shift into a shape I can't even recognize now. This year I want to change the world, I want to realize whats important and I want to encourage. I also realize that I am not as needy as I thought I once was, no one gives a shit about clothes and things wiith everything that is going on in the world. I care about friendship, love, happiness and paying it forward. Does that mean that I hate fashion? No, I still love it but I am coming to a time in my life where I realize that I have to merge things in life to get what I really want. Now I just have to answer the age old question what do I really want? I am giving myslef one month to find that out on all scales, this blog has is taking a turn this should be a life changing year.