
His name begins with the letter H

hello chaps, we need to get into the weekend, what I did and didn't do, and where I am...

Friday night I was supposed to meet with an old actor acquaintance, but both the rain and my old roomie kept that from happening.

Lets hit Saturday,
all of a sudden out of no where the universe has given me men, and unfortunately at the moment, because of the overwhelming responses I double booked myself.

The Slav and the teacher from the Bronx where both pining over my Saturday attention, and I chose the teacher, one we went out during the week and hit off great (and I did not kiss him yet) and two he got tickets to a show, and got an A for effort. The Slav showed a lot of disappointment's but hey separation makes the heart go fonder right?

To make a great night short we went to a symphony, an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn a bar on the upper west side and his place. NO real funny business, making out nothing serious, but we had an amazing time, and instead of the normal walk of shame, we spent the morning talking about his favorite books (two I borrowed) and we went and got brunch.

Before you know we got into the "relationship motion" eating off of each others plates, picking eye lashes out of one another's eyes, it was so fast, so comfortable, so... something. I wonder if we are just going at an odd pace, or if I have been on so many first and second dates that I can't even remember how to get into a relationship anymore. It felt intrusive (not in a bad way) in a boyfriend way and I wonder if I am ready, or should I be ready or if it is too soon.

I like the nervousness of the first interaction, this seems too nice, too comfortable. I wonder if we will have a fast easily fizzled out relationships. The relationship that starts off hot and heavy and eventually fades into nothing and we go our separate ways. Should I slow it down or ride the wave? Is it inevitable that we will not last long? Isn't that the fun in it? We shall see, because he asked me to join him to his family's home upstate for a relaxed weekend and I said yes, if I am going to be spontaneous I am going to take it all the way folks!

I am most nervous about the drive there, two hours in the car with any one is torture, with someone you hardly know is probably a lot of silence. I am curious about how are weekend will go and I hate to admit it but I am also excited. Maybe this is someone who see's this as something he really wants to pursue, or maybe he is an ax murderer who knows.

So if you don't hear from me all week, its because after kicking his ass, and stealing his car and running him over, I am lost on my way back to the big city.

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