
The art of the kiss

After a good long tongue locking session this weekend, my thoughts turned to kissing as a whole:

So here are a little facts regarding locking lips:

So much work:

The scientific name for kissing is philematology

The first movie kiss was in 1896 in the move "The Kiss" starring John C Rice and May Irwin

Kissers exchange saliva which helps the immune system, boosting antibodies and preventing tooth decay

The average American woman will kiss 80 men in her lifetime

Lip sensitiveity is 200% greater then fingers

90 seconds of kissing jolts the heart rate, eqiuvelent to a short jog

Kissing increases endorphines 200 times more powerful then morphine. Remember that next time you are in the hospital

The human tongue has about 10,000 taste buds, but there are only 8,000 in the clitoris and a little less in the penis. When you think of it in numbers the kiss is more intimate, the place where we taste, where we get ultimate satisfaction is the mouth.

Did you know you use up to 36 muscles to kiss? That's a lot of work, yet after a good one, you can feel completely relaxed.

You burn 26 calories in one minute of kissing:) Thats 3 hershey kisses!

There are three different types of kisses distinguished by Romans:

osculum, a friendship kiss on the cheek

basium, a kiss of affection on the lips

suavium (also known as savium), a lovers' deep kiss.

With 5 different taste bud sections:


The tongue reminds me of a complex relationship.

Sweet and savory at times and can easily turn sour or salty at any moment.

Eyes wide shut
Literally 80% of kissers kiss with their eyes closed
The funny thing about kissing is that you do it with your eyes closed. It's like with the senses, when one is taken away, the others are heightened.
Even though most of us only do it because no one looks good that close up lol.

Think about it like this, no one has time for a daily romp...or do you? But if you could give a full tongue tingling, spine numbing kiss to the one you care about every morning (after brushing your teeth of course) you would probably have a damn good day. If your a man you can live up to 5 years longer.

The history of kissing
What surpises me the most is that sex has been around since the begining of time, but kissing not so much. The Egyptians, Japanese and Inuits kissed with nose not the mouth. The only kissing was man to man women to woman, pauper to king and then in English cultures the womans hand.

Why so serious?
What this reminds me of is high school, or better yet elementary school. Remember back in the day

when it was fun to have a make-out session? When first base was as far as you got. When hooking up literally meant making out? What happened that left us so unsatisfied? Was it the test of time? Are we starting out too early?

Statistics show that men love women with red lips, or flushed lips commonly found on kissing lips.
Like fingertips no two lip impressions are the same

Bad breath
Nothing can turn a kiss sour faster then well... sour breath. What is the deal? You know the facts no one wants to taste anything funky when trying to do something sweet. Get where I am going?
I guess that has a lot to do with why in history, kissing was not all that commen for a while.

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."- Ingrid Bergman