
Is it me? Or am I paranoid

I know, for a while I have been MIA, but hey I told you I would be dating and I have, after walk-o-shames, and meeting up with suspecious characters I may be back into the swing of things... or I may need to give up dating for a while because men in New York suck!

Lets start off with yesterday, chillin with the old roomie, I come to realize everyone here needs to compromise, that I guess is what love is, I may no longer be able to get my rocker/ model boy, I may just have to get a nice guy, and I understand this so I have been putting myself out there and I am trying to stop being so damn picky and just date a nice guy.

So last night, I end up with Brooklyn at a cozy restaurant in Greenwich Village known for there wine, warm fire place and romantic setting. It was great, a lil awkward at first, you know first-date jitters but it turned out well. While on the date it seemed fine, but then I noticed a pattern (when I went home to obsess of course that is just, a lil off) Okay so we have dinner, we each only have one glass of wine, we had two great gormeat pizza's (one with gorgonzola and walnuts the other with goat and pesto very good) we also had a plate of carpaccio and that was our meal I was very satisfied. After my date paid the bill he excused himself the bathroom, came back about 8 minutes later (I thought he took a while but I new that it was only one stall so maybe there was a line) He comes back and suggest we go walk around the neighborhood and get dessert. Sounds good to me!

We pass a couple of places, talk window shop in soho, have an amazing time. The date is going great. We decide on cupcakes (my request of course) and after he orders a cupcake, two desserts and tarimisu gelato he excuses himself to the bathroom again. This time he takes another 8 minutes, maybe he is fixing his hair... maybe... I don't know I guess he had to pee, I can understand that, I also guess the one glass of wine went right through him. Whatever. We go outside and sit on a bench talk and he literally starts feeding me gelato, it was amazing, sexy and very seductive I admit it, he took a bite, he fed me one. It was great, all of a sudden he is shoveling gelato in my mouth faster then I can finish the bit before. The whole time he is still feeding himself, I nearly choke on the stuff when thank god it starts to rain so I can breath and swallow. I suggest star bucks, after running there and noticing it is closing he suggest more ice cream, mind you we have not even eaten our cupcakes yet. But I oblige, he orders this HUGE large size yogurt with chocolate, almonds and rasberries, I will say again WE HAVE NOT EATEN THE CUPCAKE OR TWO DESSERTS! I am full, to the brim, literally me who loves sweets cannot fit another bite in, so after I force a cupcake bite in my mouth a baby scoop of yogurt and try my best to keep it all in he tell me he works out 2 and a half hours a day, 5 days a week. I think wow that is intence but whatever right, he then excuses himself to the bathroom AGAIN. His pupils are not dialated, he looks normal is he doing drugs? NO! What the hell is wrong with him. When I get home I start thinking how often the average person goes to the bathroom one every couple of hours, I don't know why I am so weirded out, maybe he pees a lot but doesnt it always seem like it is always something!

I will get back to that later....

The other guy, we will call him UES. Great guy, very sweet plans with him tonight, been to a couple of places. Seems great a little too old, but hey age is an illusion right. Well today he suggest we watch a movie, that usually means in date world, lets sit at his house and watch a movie. Well he suggest mine and I realize he has been to mine I know he has a roommate but my place is not the movie place, what do I find out, he is living with his "ex" I am only still planing to hang with him because I wanna know how much he is really lying details later....

Men in New York are fucking weird.

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