
The weekend guide...

So after my lovely date on Friday, I decided to hang out with the girls on Saturday, before returning to the dating world on Sunday.

We head to Dive Bar, after an awkward visit to a romantic Jazz Club on the Upper West side that was just to cozy for a night with the girls.

Old Roomie has a new love interest and it is refreshing, to see someone else in the picture, as well as to see the dating world goes in full swing. Like a drought a dry spell can come in for a while and just win you get used to it,if you can ever really get used to a drought, the rain comes again, and you can hardly remember how bad the drought was.

I ended up talking to a teacher, he was kind of cute, seemed nice, liked to snow board, he got my number, update on that one if he actually calls...

Sunday comes around and I finally decide to go on a date that I have been putting off for three weeks and two days. Now this date, because of the amount of time I put it off, is either going to be a disaster (my six sense kicking in) or so amazing i will wonder why I waited.

Well lets just put it like this, he was a Canadian French guy, I like neither at this point, the only thing that seemed to get along with this Canadian was body odor and awkwardness! He was just fucking odd, and sometimes you can automatically tell why someone is single, it is because no normal person wants to date him, so after suffering for two hours with a person with so much shit in his pockets I questioned if he were a terrorist or not, i sent him back to were he came from, Connecticut. I don't like Connecticut any more either, nor do I care for Grand Central Station after that one.

Update: I got a call from Slav today :) Just saying he wants to see me again, also got an email on Monday asking how my day went...

Oh yeah... i also hate the word eh, because it must be required in the Canadian language, what train-eh? How's it goin-eh... just fucking weird...


I have taken a lover...

As in the very famous show Sex and the City, I, like Carrie when embarked within a world wind relationship with the "Russian" aka Alexandre Patrovsky have taken a "lover"

Friday night I had my date with the Slav and after spending the whole day dreading going out with said 40 something we ended up having some kind of time...

Things started off awkward of course, we made lite conversation a laugh here and there, and then something happened and we started finding out a thing or two about one another. He found out about my job, my goals and living on the Upper East side with an annoying ass roommate.
I found out about him being exiled from his country.

Oh the people we meet in New York City...

After making sure I could not miss a beat when he told his side of the story, I realized, that like me, he was just a passionate person, he stood up for what he believed in, he had drive. All of those times, I've watched documentaries on TV about people standing up against forces, and after everything, being threatened, and the government plotting against them, they continue to fight. I always thought if I were in the same situation, without hesitating I would fight. After listening to him, you realize how much you actually gain and how much you loose, and honestly I still believe I would take such a chance.

Back to the date.. we were at a cozy wine seller near Bryant Park, sitting closely, face to face, talking, flirting, laughing, we kissed, we canoodled, we were like lovers, honestly, it was sexy and sensual at the same time, and it was at that moment that no one else in the room matters.

btw: This is usually acquired after more then your fair share of drinks...

We leave the lounge and head to get food, just walking until we find a place, we feed each other, laugh in our semi-drunken stooper and take in the date. We kiss across the table, we leave. We hold hands while he walks me to my train, we stop and kiss occasionally. Right then ladies and gentleman, is when I got a glimpse of that famous show and while we were holding hands, and he was keeping mine warm, he just reminded me of the "Russian" and it became irresistible.

Every now and then a girl has got to live out her fantasy, and right now I guess I am Carrie, this is obviously not for forever, but it can last as long as it would like.

is 40 the new 20?

After a great email and a couple of dates, I have been inspired and have a hell-of-a lot to tell.

Lets start with Brooklyn,
Okay so we know abut how the last date went...meal bathroom, meal bathroom. To test my theory I decide we go some where un-food related first, and then grab a bite. I need to time his bathroom trips.
We start our trip at the Brooklyn Aquarium (my idea) he is late again, I am annoyed and it is cold! He gets there and I am like lets just get this over with. It is sad when I am dreading a date but I am thinking about it the guy is boring, he is like watching paint dry, forget that he is bulimic for a while, he is also very uninteresting.

But anywhoo, first bathroom trip 10 minutes. I have not seen him eat yet, we were viewing the sharks, and he claimed he had to go. I am already suspicious...

We head to a Thai restaurant and just liked last time he orders the whole menu, after stuffing myself there is still enough food left to feed another person and he decides, of course after another "bathroom" trip, to finish off the meal. I suffer through another hour of him talking about is high-def television I suffer through him analyzing every taste of every piece of food he has stuffed in his mouth, and I suffer when he starts to let me know just how poor he really is, I even suffer when the wait staff in this wonderful restaurant are looking at me funny because they can hear him in the bathroom and I can't but I refuse to suffer by stuffing myself while someone else is "releasing" himself. This will be my last date with Brooklyn, I have decided.
He is the three B's

I run to meet old roommate when I leave my crappy ass date to find out about her wonderful one, and I decide, that I am too assertive that I am going to ask Mr Bulimia if he is actually making himself barf!
SO I send a text:
"Hey I had a good time, I have to ask you something I hope you are not offended but when I was in college I used to make myself throw up after every meal... are you okay?"

Okay first of all, I keep all of my meals down, these hips and thighs don't lie, but I had to say something to get him to confess.

He claims via text that he has to use the bathroom a lot and he pees twice bullshit I am not believing him and I decide to let him lie and throw up as much as he would like, I am not going to worry about it, I am moving on...

So the next day UES
I have been hanging out with him a lot, after making out way to much in a bar on the Upper East side and meeting at my house to "watch movies" he has left town for the weekend and I am looking for someone to fill the gap,hopefully someone younger. Something about UES is a little off, I am just waiting to find out what that "thing" is. Time will tell...

The "Slav"
I am hanging out with the new coworkers at a great bar downtown. At the last minute I found out about a great after work event sponsored by Grand Marnier.

The event was fun, while hanging with the girls, some man sits down and starts talking to me, after much witty conversation i find out he is from Yugoslavia, and he makes me laugh, he seems old so I give him my work email. So he leaves and it may have been the alcohol but when he says goodbye, he looks sexy as hell, so I wait for that email....

Lets talk about what happens when the "Slav" Leaves, I get waisted...not normal waisted but can't stand up straight waisted!
I get on the train by myself after way too much Gran Marnier (6 shots and around 4 cocktails) I waddle to the NRW and after holding myself up on the train I have to transfer to the 6. I at this point am sure I am going to die, I honestly thought about hurling myself in front of the train because I could not fathom actually making it home in one piece. I am dying of drunkenness.
it is only around 8:30pm so everyone is looking at me like I am nuts

So the 6 FINALLY comes and I sit down on the train ... bad idea... standing would have saved me...
One good bleh (gag) and some wonderful woman hands me a plastic bag.. I barf in it on the 6 train, I am too drunk to be embarrassed. I make it home and I think I am going to survive.
I barf again...
I sit on the toilet to ... use the bathroom.. and I fall asleep or as some experts would say I passed out.
Cut to: me in bed, I am very comfortable the covers are warm, I am having a great dream I roll over, I hit my head...

Oh wait I am still on the toilet, I have literally rolled off the toilet onto the floor hitting my head on the bathroom wall. I wake up and for like one minute I have not idea where I am! That's is probably because I am looking at the bathroom upside down. I get up go in my room, place the lovely plastic bag and a towel next to my bed and I barf my way to sleep such a classy girl I am!

I still make it to work early the next day!
Moral of my dating story the older seems to be better, Brooklyn was only 33 the other normal gents were nearly 40!