
Dating Karma

I was thinking about the universe today, about how it gives and takes. I was thinking about without any notice terrible things can happen to you one after another and you can't see your way out of the desert. I was thinking about how while you are in it, from time to time an oasis appears, you... for a second... think you are out of this dryness and the universe is just throwing another blast at you. "Miss" Universe can be mean, she can be unforgiving, rotten and at the same time completely miss understood.

Through those desert periods, when you are parched for change, for something new to happen and on the brink of starvation right then and there, you make it out. I guess the universe is wiser then we sometime can imagine, even in the oasis she is giving you a glimpse of how good she can be, and when she decides to give back, when she lets go and gives you hope again, it is so sweet you can hardly remember the dark. But word to the wise never forget, because that darkness was a lesson, and life lessons must be utilized or alas you will be back to where you started. Which also gets me thinking about those oasis again. Maybe they were the real thing, but we spend so much time enjoying something better we forget something worse, and those oasis were our way out of darkness if we had only appreciated, understood and respected them.

On that note, as you all can see from many previous posts, I believe I am out of my desert time, I have learned a lot, in life and love, and I will be damned if I forget it, or if I go back.

It is so obvious how much 'energy' we release and we pull in, and when you begin on a path of hope and have a goal in mind whatever that may be your personal universe starts pouring out for you to receive any and everything that comes your way. I feel my cup getting fuller by the minute and I know I am not the only one, many people are experiencing positive change... lets keep up the good work...

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