
If love is...

A good feeling, warm and bubbly,
sitting on the couch watching anything or nothing at all and feeling like it should never end
walking down the street and not noticing any other person
long kisses
gentle nudges
missing someone's voice
remembering someone's smell
being comfortable when they are away because you know they are coming back
knowing the different tones in their voices
being yourself
being yourself but better
making love at all hours of the day-night, real love, deep, understanding passionate unselfish love
wanting to always be alone just because you cannot get enough of each other
wanting to be with friends because you wanna share what you have with others
accepting flaws
facing fears
laughing at jokes
crying at sadness
crying out of happiness
being excited to hear from them, not even a whole hour later
not forgetting your first kiss
hoping there will not be a last kiss
thinking forever is not long enough
saying your sorry not only because you mean it, but because you are sorry for ever causing the person any kind of pain or anguish
not understanding why people would even fathom cheating
a hint of jealousy
not having to worry
kissing in the middle of the street on a hot summer night, with the breeze against your skin, their fingers in your hair and the other hand holding you oh so close
making love in Manhattan with the noise of sirens, people, honking cars, crying babies, crazy homeless men arguing, street vendors, construction and children and not letting any of it distract you because what is happening in the moment is too good to care

then it is amazing
should be cherished
and we should all be able to experience it, have it, and never go without...
here's to finding it....

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