
Got 30 days, got a date...

Okay so I am at home and def putting off working out when I come across these web sites that talk about finding a date... something I def need to do!
Myreah Moore is claiming she can get me a date in 30 days, and since I cannot even remember when I had a last good first date what is 30 more days right? So first step is to take the quiz about the kind of guy I am looking for... here goes nothin....

You scored 60%
The Fun-Loving Fellow
Party on! Whether at a gathering with friends or in line at a movie, you pick out the most personable guy of the group, and it's easy to see why: You enjoy a good time and a good laugh and need someone who can appreciate these as much as you do. A man like this is great to have in your life because he can hold his own in any situation, and with anybody. The one downside is that he is not necessarily discerning. He may as easily chat up your three-year-old niece as his beautiful next-door neighbor. But don't let his flirting be his fatal flaw; instead, remember it's what drew you to him in the first place. But do keep in mind that his "playfulness" may make it tough for him to settle down.

I am not surprised by the results, 30% said i wanted a sensitive man and 10% of me wanted a cocky man... The second step is to open myself up and list my wants and needs.
"Take one minute", says Moore. "Take 5 minutes and write down all the wants that you are looking for in a guy, then take 5 minutes and write down all the needs, as in someting you cannot compromise. Narrow down the list to the top 10."
This is something that may prove just as shallow I am but hey this is the new year, I am going to write my list and post it... let er rip...

Instead of putting down all the crap that I wrote here are the top ten, okay i must be honest, the list was very long, but is should be right? I am a catch!

These all came from the need list... wow what does that say about me...
Loves to learn new things
Laid Back
A little nerdy _this came from wants

So the site says visualize the list and see use it when a guy comes into your life not a bad idea right?
Then I am supposed to look at my list and all the qualities I want in another should be reflected within myself, wow I think so.
Moore says, "Until you become the person you are looking for, you cannot attract the person you want." Deep, and very very true I think.
Looking at my list, I am not surprised by my answers at all I think most of them, even the ones I did not list are what I imagine is within myself

read this from her article...

"Now is the time to let go of any past demons. Women who are ashamed of their past, for whatever reason, often select men who are inappropriate, unavailable, or unwilling to commit. Others get stuck in a pit of self-pity by obsessing over past relationships gone wrong. Have a rebirthing day: Sit and write down everything you're ashamed of, your failures, people you have hurt and so on. Give yourself more than one day to do this. When you're done, have a ceremony and, in a safe place (your fireplace or outside), burn your list along with some fresh sage, which has cleansing properties. This ritual comes from my Cherokee Indian background. Once you burn your list, that life is over. You are starting clean. You must stop looking at your past and, instead, look at your life and your future with a positive attitude."

I am pretty sure I have no problems in that department, so the next question is why do i want a new relationship?
To have someone special to enjoy life with on a more intimate level.

Next is to open myself up, I am supposed to talk to at least one person a day, just saying hello, easier said then done when you live in new york, but whatever, I can do that. I should build up to small talk with people, now that will be hard.

I have to start flirting with men again, this does make me feel fabulous and dorky at the exact same time! After I get through these first 5 steps I can lead into actual dates, so I am going to try this for a week and come back to the rest.
ps. I was thinking maybe starting a single woman group, some people who are looking for people too maybe we can go through this stuff together and come back together to talk about our experiences I am looking for a good fun group of women who are looking to put themselves out there, for some fun old fashioned dates!

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