
No Sex-n-this City?

Again I know I have neglected you dear blog, I apologize but these days I am swamped and scheduling everything from exercise to sex. Like seriously, I scheduled my weekly romp with the Brit, and alas we both had to cancel because we were too tired... when did I become too tired for sex.

Well to start my life from where I left off yeah the Brit is still in the picture, and the word is he will be leaving the U S of A in about a month, I am not-so-sad about him leaving, I am actually ready for him to go I am over him and I get the thinking that I will be alone forever. The other day one of my friends confirmed my "fear"

"Yeah I just don't see you ever married, successful yes, married, no."

Is that what happens you get successful, you can only focus on one thing at a time? Is it my personality? Am I not the marrying kind? This of course got me thinking about Sex & the City, which I saw in theatre's and lets just say was AMAZING. Forgiveness and friendship and knowing the right person for you and growing in your relationships, both friend and intimate.

It also got me thinking that yeah the brit is leaving soon and who will be my next victim... my friends are literally not having sex in this city, in a very short while I will not be having sex in this city... so who is?

We all move to New York to fullfull our dream or find what we are looking for, why else would we pay for these shitty apartments? So why does it seem like no one is even in a relationship anymore... why do New York men seem to distant, so much so that I have better chances with people who are not even from here? Why am I searching for something that should be knocking down my door, and why is it so freaking hard to find?

I think about it, maybe we need to find those men who moved here to fullfill there dreams as well...

I talked to my friend Crystal the other day about relationships and in conversation I realized a couple of things,

1 I get over people fast, and I think in reevaluating myself that is because I know they are not the one for me, and I just need to find the one that is

2. I have not been inpressed with anyone in such a long time, will it ever happen

3. Fear is the doorway to success I need to realize what mine are and defeat them
4. Women with insecurities are screwed (had to throw that one in for good measure)

I need to think about all of this, and get back to you dear blog lol

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