
This is new for me...

Well what is really new? Telling my girlfriends all about my dates is normal, so writing them can't be so bad. I know this is not Sex in the City, but I date A LOT! I need to figure out where it is all going, so I decided write it down, get it all out, get a few laughs, some advice and see where it all goes.

My introduction: I am new here, though I concured the dating game in Chicago, New York is a whole new territory. It is big, intimidating and packed with Single and beautiful people. So I am going back to my core, the dating world at it's finest. I am giong to go through some modern technology, but honestly, I am going back to the old school way of dating... boy meets girl, boy woe's girl, girl puts boy through a-many-hoops boy wants to seriously date girl, girl really likes boy, boy and girl become boy and girl friend.

After going through all of my desperate single-me books, I decided I would actually take heed into what they said, and "follow the rules". One of the books I will be flollowing is "Stop getting dumped" by Lisa Dialy. She has a set of rules and to my best ability I will follow every rule, every single one, even if it kills me! I will also be obvious and go along with "He's just not that into you." by Greg Behrendt

The Rules
1. Don't call him- self explanatory, let him call you, and call you, first and always. You can only call him back. (this is hard!)
2. Until one man is ready to commit have a pair and a spare. - Okay not too hard, find three guys, date one a week, have one weekend with your girls, or even by yourself. If you can focus on three men, it will be easier to get the one you really want.
3. Do not sleep with any of them- this should not be too hard.
4. Never go on a date unless they ask you within 78 hours.- he needs to plan on seeing you, if he wants to be with you.
5. ALl that obvious he's just not that into you stuff, he does not call leave him, he cheats leave him (duh!) he does all the obvious crap leave him.

These are the 5 most important, so through out until I find"the one" I will be following these plans. Come on a journey, lets see where it goes.

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