
The secret men council

Being a girl sucks, I mean who and the hell invented the three day rule? Did all these men just sit around and come up with asinine rules?
Rule number 1. Never answer the question "what are you thinking about?"
Rule number 2. When a woman asks where you should go on a date always answer with "I don't know where do you want to go?"
Rule number 3. Never give a complete straight answer
Rule number 4. Wait three days to call a girl after initially getting her number.

I imagine a room full of men, they are sitting at a big white round table, there are pretzels, Bud Light and cigars. In the background the room is housed with over 10 flat screen TVs playing everything from basketball to The Man Show. The only pictures up are of Scar Face and Pamela Anderson, and they contemplate millions of ways to truly piss women off.

I believe this club has been around for centuries, every man is not on the panel, but like the government, there are representatives from every county, and they pass the message along at Bars, Strip Clubs, sports functions and probably on the Internet... yeah we think they are watching porn... it's probably a meeting. All of the founding fathers are in the meeting, we all know Bill Clinton was probably the president at one time, it's probably George Clooney now.

Then some guy, for some dumb ass reason was like, "okay I think women should wait for our calls... but how long? One day is too short, she will think I really like her (though I asked for her number, bought her a drink, and flirted with her all night, maybe even kissed her) two days, not long enough. I got it!" He shouts almost spilling his beer. "Three days, the perfect amount of time, she will think we may have lost interest, and then boom we call." All the men adjust themselves to say Aye.

No worse rule has come out, nothing has ruined the dating scene for women since this very day, well except for the text message.

So it is obvious I am waiting on a call from Paris, if it happens yah! I may have a pair, if not I am left with a lonely spare, and not on my way to my accomplishments. Either way, you will know...

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