
The MANual

I have added yet another dating "Bible" on my cruise to find the perfect guy. This book is probably the most ridiculous, most embarrassing, most full-of-it, most HONEST book I have ever read. Too bad that I want a man, because from the likes of this book, they are sex fueled assholes. On the other hand, the book is all about turning that knucklehead into Prince Charming. I know, you cannot change a man, the author, Steve Santagati, says that himself, but you can make him want, respect and be monogamous toward you(while also having a lot of sex, hey that's what the book says). So yet again, on my hunt to see if the books really work, I have to follow the rules. And Steve makes them crystal clear. This section of my "dating experiment" will definitely be the funniest, most demeaning, but you never know I may enjoy it. So... here it goes...

The Basics:
Steve Claims that all girls love bad boys... Is this why James Bond movies have been around for so long? Why even after Colin Ferrel starred in Alexandre(a too crappy movie), I still melt for him? And also why Brad Pitts acting career went soaring high after fight club? YES YES YES

Bad boys are just fun boys, they know how to laugh flirt and.... well you know. He is explaining that though we pretend we want a "good guy" we don't, good guys are the friends who we hang around with and never ever ever see ourselves dating. Think about that great guy friend you have had for years, who you tell about all of your relationship woes. Not think about sleeping with him...gross...awkward right? Well Steve says even those pretty boys who look like they are all sensitive i.e John Mayer are bad boys! They just play it in a different way.

Now to what I need to do:
The wardrobe: Men love skin, men love breast, butt and legs...we all know. So pretty much for the next few weeks I need to flaunt my assets...no pun intended. Men love all the stuff that gets nasty stares from women. Now he did not say dress like a slut, but do dress sexy. A short skirt never hurt anyone. Today I purchased a sexy sweater like dress (appropriate for cool summer nights). It shows just the right amount of leg.

Flirting techniques:
"Hey big boy, is that a banana in your pocket our are you just happy to see me?"
Yeah I said it, and if you felt just as awkward as I did typing it you will find out one of my big secrets, I CanDace (all say hi CanDace) cannot flirt... yes me. So I need to get my technique down, I am going to put myself out there and see how it goes.

The best part:
Potential men are in every place... the grocery store, the bookstore, Starbucks, all over. I am going to find them, everyday I am going SOMEWHERE around 6 pm to find a guy. I may start with my local bookstore and work from there. What will I be doing, looking for guys, talking to guys, guys, guys, guys!

So check in everyday... i am going on a man hunt...and I aint comin back empty handed...
ps. the name of the book is really the Manual

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