
Where have all the tall boys gone? (sing to the tune where have all the cowboys gone)

Walking around the city, I noticed something tragic, the percentage of tall men is at a low, maybe 25% of men in this city are above 5'10. Research has shown that in the U.S only 14.5% of men are over 6ft or over, and only 3.9% of men are over 6'2" tall. So where have all the tall men gone? Did men shrink or did women grow? No other place harbors more tall women then New York, I mean almost every other woman here is a model. Think about this, in Chicago I towered over all of my female friends, and I new a lot of tall women... even in Detroit I could find a tall man. But in New York, I am a tiny person. For God sakes, I am the second shortest roommate in my apartment. The shortest is 5'7, the tallest 5'11 the other 5'10. What the hell happen, and we cannot blame the hormones in the chicken, unless it makes men shrink and women grow...maybe it reacts different for testosterone then progesterone. Well progesterone does have something to do with women shrinking after menopause (I think or maybe I am making this whole thing up) moral of the story, tall men come back. maybe we should have some kind of emergency immigration where all the Dutch men move to America (they average 6'1) and have babies with all the women here to boost the height of the men. I personally volunteer to have sex with the Dutch guy, hey I am patriotic I'll Do anything for our country, or should I say anyone lol. Moral of the story, men need to start wearing stiletto's, Jordan should come out with a pair.

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