
I dare you...

I have had a good day, what is it about women and their hair. The emotional connection is outstanding. When we go through a tragedy we want to change it, color it blond, chop it all off and start over. It reminds me of Samson in the bible, he got his strength from his hair, when it was cut off he lost it. When i first decided to move to New York, one of my very first step was a brand new hair cut. I chopped it all off, I needed a new begining a clean slate. Today, I was able to revisit that state, I recieved a newer fresher look at the Arrojo Salon. For those of you who do not know, the most amazing show EVER "What not to wears'" hair stlyist Nick Arrojo owns a salon in New York, and his stylist made me feel new again. It is amazing how a hair do can give you much more confidence, I feel new again, just like I did when I first decided to move. Before I made it to the hairsalon I was already feeling an inch of that confidence so much so, that when I saw a cute guy in my neighborhood pizza shop, and we kept making eye contact, I went up to him and wrote him a note with my email address.

"you r cute, email me," it said.

I then realized that though he was cute, that I really did not care if he emails me or not, I am so proud of the fact that I even had the nerve to write to note in the first place. I am lovin the new me!

After spending the day out, I then decided I was bored and I looked to see what array of men CL (Craigs List) had to offer today. I came across a posting from a guy who is from Detroit, as fate would have it, after sending a brief email he called. It is a small world after all, and you never know who you can find in this vast city. After talking to Mr. East we noticed we had a lot in common, he was from Pakistan, had spent time in Egypt. We had a nice conversation, but he seemed a lil too flirtatious, and anxious about meeting me. I know I love a good chick flick like any other but I do not believe I truly still believe in fate and falling in love and all that stuff, so I kept brushing him off, it will be intersting to see where this leads...So while on the phone, he was trying to describe a Pakistany song to me, and he was trying to get me to understand that the words can not be fully described in the english language. So to tell me about a song, he decided to sing it to me. No... seriously the boy is on the other end of my phone singing, and I am just like... is this a joke? Are you serious? To add to his embarrasment, he is using his sexy late night phone call voice. You know the one I mean, the one that is higher and softer then usual. I was just like give me a break. But you all know I am supposed to be open and ready to recieve so like I said it will be very intersting to see where this goes...

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