
Karmic Konnection...

Another round of dating, this one at the top of the poll. That one night on Cl did me good. I went on a first date with a Jersey Boy. Jersey is 29, works in TV and very cute. Ya for me, my pair and spare are building! After hanging out with beer and wings, we played a terrible-yet-fun games of pool and chilled out with decaf coffee at Starbucks. While conversing on several different topics (he was super easy to talk to) he mentioned relationship karma, and how his karma took a negative turn at the end of his last relationship, and his next relationship. His karmic connection came full circle in a very short amount of time. With all of the news going on this week, I am really starting to think about karma, and how it affects each and everyone of us.

How many of us were jumping for joy when Paris Hilton went to jail, not only the first, but also the second time around? Even after hearing that she was literally sobbing, I could not help but feel like she deserved it, and I don't even know her. Could all that table top dancing, miscellaneous drug using and sleeping around land her in karma jail? Or was she just another who broke the law and had to serve time? In all honesty, she looks like shes got it bad right now. A lil secret, I felt a tiny bit sorry for her. Is her karma full circling?

If there is a such thing as karma, then when you get your fair share of pay back, do you know why? I mean, what is the use of Karma if you do not realize that it is happening, then, it is not karma, is it just bad luck? For example, a boy cheats on his girlfriend, makes her feel like shit, hurts her, she will never trust again, he breaks up with her, and then his next girlfriend does the exact same thing. If he sits down and thinks, "oh my God I deserve this, I did the same thing to my ex" then, I can see it as karma. He learned a lesson, he knows how it feels. If on the other hand, he just thinks the new girl is a bitch, and moves on has he been hit by karma? Has he learned his lesson? If not then is it still karma? Does karma go hand in hand with lesson learning or is it just an experience?

I for one believe that when "karma" itself is occurring, it comes in a cute package of payback, with a side of guilt and a hint of realization. My main theory is that the longer it takes for the karma to come around, the worse the person is. Genuinely good people probably get the round of karma and realize it quickly, evil people well, they are still waiting or are going to get a big burst of bad karma, maybe, they really will be dung beetles in the end. Or maybe, since I brought up good and evil, Hell is the real bad karma.

Now... to my dating life, lets line up all the men I have mentioned, and some I have not, because these next two weeks I am going to be picking my pair and spare. Though over time I may be dropping and adding. ..

Jersey Boy- 6'1, athletic as hell, All-American, blue eyes, dirty blond hair. Loves to mountain bike, works in TV ( i love TV hello!) rents a house in Jersey, nice.

Volley Boy- You have never heard of him, plays on a volleyball team in the summer, a teacher, very cool personality, met on cl, keeps in touch on the weekend, bouncer at clubs on the weekend, 35, 5'10 athletic, may be too old.

Detroit- out of the picture, asshole, asshole, asshole emotionally unavailable, hope he gets electrocuted lol.

Pakistani Boy- cool, most likely to never date, too emotional, very nice consistent. 5'8, athletic, a little heavier, funny, speaks several languages.

Asian American - I don't think I have ever mentioned him, very smart, Asian, 5'8 thin, have not officially gone out, we will meet up this week.

Neighbor- very nice, questionably gay, we are hanging out this week, will keep you updated on him...

These are what I have to pick from, I must pick three, this is harder then I thought. I am also heading to a speed dating event (thanks to my roommate) in a couple of weeks, so, some people may change. I have been keeping up with the rules, seriously I am not calling anyone, I have been staying focused, more boys make it a hell of a lot easier to not obsess over one.

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