
"work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching"

The new year is coming soon, Christmas is not even a couple of days away and I am very ready to put 2007 behind and embrace the 8. New commitments, new outlooks, new love new friends. New friends? I am hoping to not forget the old, but for the first time in my life I have argued with one of my best friends and we may have reached a point of the cross road where we finally realize the two of us have grown apart and taken different paths. My path, hopefully a better life, fun and fearlessness her life, sleeping with a married man. I have never imagined that someone I was so close to could ever imagine doing something like that. I thought my friends had morals and values. I am beginning to realize that not only is everyone not like me, but they are not all going to be like me. I am realizing that the person whom I thought I would be around when I raise my children may never be in my life again. I am also realizing where my morals are and that is why, though I accept many flaws in people, that some things in life I cannot stand for, and though I embrace differences and living life to the fullest there are some things I cannot accept.

I was thinking about friendship a lot and what makes a good friend. I know being with someone through good times and bad is very important. So when I found out that she had a "one night stand" I told her it was wrong and I moved on from it, but to know that through all that she has been through, being a product of the same situation herself, that she would continue the fiasco makes me disgusted and disappointed. I want to shake her to pieces and make her come to her senses, but because I am not God, and not a miracle worker I realize that people must learn from their mistakes. What happens when you cannot be around to view them? I am quickly loosing all respect for her and even the thought of what she is doing makes me sick to my stomach. So here I am in 2007 not talking to someone who means so much to me... though I am so disappointed I am sure if this continues we will be on opposite ends forever.

When it comes to growing up, you have certain people who do and don't influence your life. Is it even possible to surround yourself with only positive people with the same outlook as you? Or is that a ridiculous wish that no one can live up to? I look at people who, lets say, are deeply religious, all they do is practice their religion and hang out with people who do the exact same, are they minimizing their selection of experience? Or are they just with people who they assume will want the same things in life as they do? At this point it would be great to say that all of my friends have great morals in place, but it is obvious that the statement would be wrong, and that I don't know the people I hang out with as well as I thought I did.

Imagine this, you have a prediction of the sort, you see your friend, in a dream, She has been sleeping with way too many people, partying too hard and being irresponsible. She is at a party when her drink is laced, she ends up at a strangers house and thinks she has been raped. She goes through humiliation, no one believes her and she suffers a lot. After a while, she is really gong through hard times, she is depressed and thinking about committing suicide. Instead she goes to a psychiatrist, she gets help and begins speaking to teens about getting their lives together.
Through all the bad good can happen, but if you new this was going to happen, would you tell your friend? Would you let them go through pain like that? In life we choose our own paths and we learn valuable lessons even when we don't realize it, but it can be a bitter long ugly road of bad decisions. I am sure you told this friend time and time again about calming down but she never listened and you new nothing good would come out of the situation.
Maybe my friend will get fired, the husband's wife will find out and after a long humiliating hard road she will really realize the error of her ways. Well Nia, this is for you and you let me know when you get to the other side of the long difficult path, unfortunately I cannot stomach the walk but maybe I will be at the other end.

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